Sterling Marathon Pro Rope – 10.1mm Review

Sterling Marathon Pro Rope - 10.1mm

  • Type: single
  • Diameter: 10.1 mm
  • Dry Treatment: [core] DryCore
  • Static Elongation: 8.4%
  • Dynamic Elongation: 35.3%

The dual-pattern sheath on the Sterling Marathon Pro 10. 1mm Rope makes the line’s center point stick out like a sore thumb and saves you tons of time on climbs and descents. Quick identification of the center point ensures both ends are equal when you’re making the fifth rappel in a row, and lets you know if you have enough rope to lower your partner off the 15-bolt sport route he just sent. You’ll love the easy rope management provided by the dual-pattern the next time you’re re-stacking line at a hanging belay. The Sterling Marathon Pro is also extremely easy to clip thanks to its 10. 1mm diameter, and its light weight of 63g/m won’t weight down your pack when you head out on another alpine approach.

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